Mother's Day Service, 2005

David Hunter tied his memories of his mother to the parable of the poor widow who sought her missing silver coin. Besides being a ferocious cleaner (also like the woman in the parable), David's mother never gave up on him and his brother. Her persistent love, he said, is an image of God's love for us.
Dave Blevins recounted the story of his birth , childhood, and adolescence, when his family worked with him through numerous operations to help heal his cleft palate. His mother's faith helped her hand over her newborn baby to doctors, nurses, and hospitals because she knew it was necessary for his care. Her actions demonstrated her strength, love, courage, and faith. By doing so, she became his model.
Mike Moore explained that--contrary to what he tells his daughters--he was not the perfect child, especially during his middle school years. But God's love and forgiveness were mirrored in his mother, who taught him that always being loved, even when one is not perfect, feels really good.
Jim Carlson recounted memories of his mother and described her as loving, honest, forgiving, giggling, patient, persistent, accepting, and more. While thinking about his mother and while preparing to celebrate this Mother's Day, he came to realize that he continues to cherish these same values in the women who are most important to him.
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