Mission and Goals
The mission of Union Presbyterian Church is to serve and glorify God.
- by preaching and teaching the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all ages, within the church and in the world, and by ministering to their spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional needs;
- by creating an open and caring environment which promotes fellowship, spiritual growth, and stewardship (time, talent and treasure) and which encourages the healthy exchange of differing points of views; and
- by offering worship, prayer, and study opportunities to stimulate the desire to empathize with and meet the needs of local and world communities.
In order to fulfill its mission, Union Presbyterian Church has set the following goals for its pastor, its leadership, and its congregation:
Goal 1: Union Presbyterian Church will preach and teach the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The pastor will provide scripture-based sermons, lead worship services, teach communicants' classes, train new Session members, teach Bible studies, and participate in youth programs.
- The church leadership will provide adult membership classes, provide scripture-based education (three-years-old to adult), increase attendance in youth education programs, attend appropriate leadership training opportunities, and attend Presbytery.
- The congregation will participate in worship services, and participate in ongoing Christian education.
Goal 2: Union Presbyterian Church will minister and care for its membership.
- The pastor will make hospital, nursing home, and home visitations, provide counseling, communicate with the congregation via the newsletter, encourage and participate in fellowship activities, and counsel in the creation and maintenance of a warm, caring, and open church environment.
- The church leadership will provide opportunities for fellowship, encourage members to serve on committees, encourage members to participate in worship services, provide a church directory, solicit input from the congregation-at-large via a suggestion box, and make appropriate visitations.
- The congregation will notify the church office if a visitation is desired, attend fellowship activities, visit fellow members, welcome new members, make new friends among the congregation, and strengthen existing friendships within the congregation.
Goal 3: The mission and the stewardship of Union Presbyterian Church will be in the name of Jesus Christ.
- The pastor will provide direction in financial stewardship, and provide mission interpretation locally, nationally, and globally.
- The church leadership will keep the congregation informed of financial needs and concerns, provide information and interpretation of the church's mission programs, participate in the stewardship drive, encourage members to tithe and/or increase their offerings, function within a balanced budget, and encourage ongoing long range planned giving.
- The congregation will tithe and/or increase their offerings, increase their donation of time and talents, increase their commitment to being stewards of the world's resources, and increase their awareness of the needs of their fellow humans.