About Union Presbyterian

Before Powell was founded, when it was still a camp of government employees and laborers, the pastor of Cody Presbyterian Church held bi-monthly nondenominational services in Powell. Subsequently, both Powell and Union Presbyterian Church were founded in 1909.

The church organized on February 14, 1909, with 23 members who came from 13 thirteen different denominations, hence the name Union.

By October 1909, Union Presbyterian held services in the town's first church building--a 39' by 50' basement with windows and a canvas roof. When the 1909 community Christmas program was held at the church, the overflow crowd of cowboys watched outside through the opened windows and threw in money when the collection was taken.

Since those early days, Union Presbyterian grew to as many as 830 members in the early 1950s, when it constructed a church of native sandstone. Since then, the congregation has declined to 300 members, yet we remain a people who are dedicated to the service and glory of God.