Sunday, September 12, 2004

Church Celebrates 95th Birthday

On Sunday, 12 September 2004, Union Presbyterian Church celebrated its 95th anniversary. While the actual founding of the church dates 14 February 1909, the church delayed the celebration to augment Rally Day and the start of a new year of Christian Education and worship activities.

The anniversary service followed an earlier order of worship, and planners encouraged members to dress in the spirit of the day. The choir pulled out old black choir robes, Mr. Hunter wore a robe that "dated back to Moses," and many in the congregation put together costumes from an earlier era.

In the spirit of the day, Nancianna Nott (left) models garb from an earlier era. She holds a needle-point muff she made for her mother-in-law years ago, from a pattern published in Ladies' Home Journal. "My mother-in-law didn't need it much in Tulsa," she said, "but she always carried it to church and lay it in the pew."

After the service, Congregational Life treated everyone to a traditional chicken dinner, with members of the congregation carrying in salads and desserts.

A member of the Congregational Life Committee, Mickey Ferren (right) donned a poke bonnet to serve up the anniversary chicken dinner.

Everyone--including the youth members pictured below--enjoyed the traditional Sunday dinner and each other's company in Ferren Hall.

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